Saturday, May 28, 2005

This is what The Re-edit is all about...

Thanks for taking the time to check out The Re-edit. This blog is about ME, basically---MY experiences, MY reactions, MY opinions (or at least what my opinions are at the time I post), MY ranting and raving, MY re-editing of any and everything that I read, see, think, or experience through MY eyes--NOT what may be popular or what some Public Relations machine might want me to see or believe. It is all of those things, RE-EDITED. I'm not always right or politically correct- not always prolific or thought-provoking, but I have a right to MY perspective, to MY feelings. You are welcome to hit me up with YOUR contributions on anything I write about. It may change the way I see things, it may not. I may change the way you see things, I may not. I write on anything from music, art, fashion, events (both personal and public), spirituality, television, magazine/newspaper articles and technology to the meaning of life and anything in between- because these are the things that I am exposed to and/or muse about everyday- this is part of who I am. You are welcome to take this journey with me. I have no idea what this will become, just my way of getting my OWN opinion out into the universe, learn a little bit, force me to keep a "journal" (thanks Oprah), and in the process maybe put yall on to some NEW sh*t. This is real life, re-edited. This is my voice. This is the REAL RE-EDIT. Let's go...

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